CRU Arts
Image of Rascal (la Picara)

Rascal (la Picara)

$350.00 - Sold out

15"H x 10"W x 5"D; wood and plastic on concrete base

HEAD/BODY: found driftwood wood pieces found in Ventura, CA ✦ FOOT: wood pieces found in Lake Arrowhead, CA ✦ QUILLS: spikelets from Palm seed pod LA. CA ✦ BASE:found concrete ✦ SIGNATURE: stamped Maple coin

Its been over 20 years since I started creating Talismans from the detritus I find on my walks, travels, detours, escapes, missteps and planned migrations. The series has become a benevolent battalion of shamanistic figurines with a purpose. Talismans come into the world ready to work and jest. They are imbued with mystery and a desire to heal and motivate.

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